
The XLVI Ibero-Latin American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering (CILAMCE 2025) will take place in Vitória, Espírito Santo, Brazil, from 24 to 27 November 2025.


CILAMCE is a traditional international scientific event promoted by the Brazilian Association of Computational Methods in Engineering (ABMEC). It has been taking place regularly since 1977, focusing on the advancement of basic scientific research and its applications in the areas of Sciences and Engineering, aiming to expand the frontiers of knowledge related to Computational Methods.

In this context, CILAMCE plays a fundamental role as a collaborative environment and a forum for debate among researchers and technology developers. It holds great relevance for the development of Brazil and its partner countries, including Portugal, Argentina, Chile, Italy and Spain. The technical program typically features world-renowned plenary speakers, numerous mini-symposia parallel sessions, and a special student competition – the Agustín Ferrante Award – to recognize undergraduate students who demonstrate potential for outstanding scientific achievements.

We look forward to welcoming you to Vitória for the CILAMCE 2025.

Prof. Elcio Cassimiro Alves (UFES/Chairman) | Prof. João Victor Fragoso Dias (UFES/Co-chairman)